Tiny Tycoon

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Is your baby’s skin covered with baby acne, fungal infection, dermatitis, ringworm or bumps all over their body? Many babies having an allergic reaction can be itchy, and can’t seem to stop scratching their bodies. A red rash all over a baby’s body may just be baby acne and might clear up on its own. Most childhood rashes aren’t cause for alarm and may not need a trip to the pediatrics center.

My baby has a rash - tinytycoon

But even though some baby rashes aren’t an emergency, they sometimes indicate your baby may be suffering from a viral infection like chickenpox, impetigo or even something more serious. Let’s look at the different types of rashes, their causes, treatments, and when you need to see a doctor about one.

Causes of Skin Rash in Babies

Your baby’s skin is very delicate, and exposure to bacterial infection can cause hot, prickly blisters  to form on babies. Other common causes for these rashes are heat, dampness, chemicals, allergies, friction, or fragrances on your baby’s clothes.

Most common rashes tend to be reddish; others are scaly, pimply, and oozy, depending on the cause. Rashes primarily affect the face, nose, skinfolds, legs, hands, arms, neck, feet, and diaper areas. Below are the types of baby rashes.

Types of Baby Rashes and their Treatment

1.     Diaper Rash

Diaper rashes are  widespread and appear around the diaper area. When your baby is wearing a diaper, it’s advisable to remove it right after it is soiled . This is because a diaper tends to hold moisture and warmth from the urine and body close to the skin.

When you mix the warm moisture and acidity that may come from urine and feces, it becomes irritating to the baby’s skin. The longer your baby stays wearing a full diaper, the more it becomes irritating to its skin, causing heat rashes.

The best way to treat diaper rash is by:

  • Using a clean wet cloth to clean your baby’s bum and armpits instead of using wet wipes that contain chemicals and alcohol.
  • Using baby lotions before you put your baby in a diaper .
  • Changing your baby’s diaper frequently.
  • Wash your hands before and after every diaper change to reduce infecting any rash.
  • Ensure your baby’s face and bum is clean and dry all the time, and use over-the-counter creams for treating your baby’s diaper rash.

2. Cradle Cap

Cradle Cap is a yellowish scaly patch that develops on the baby’s neck, face, scalp, or ears within two to three months after delivery. It’s itchy and can be irritating, but it goes away on its own within a few weeks. There is no treatment for Cradle Cap, but using baby shampoo may ease itching, keep your baby moisturized or clear up.

3. Eczema

It’s among one of the most widespread skin conditions in children and babies, and it’s caused by allergies or sensitive skin to mostly eggs and milk. If your family has a history of Eczema, your baby is likely prone to it. To address it, you can use the helpful treatment below.

  • Keep your baby’s skin clear and dry.
  • Use over-the-counter Creams and do oatmeal baths.
  • Establish the cause for any allergic reaction.
  • Seek medical advice to determine how to treat your toddler’s Eczema.

When do you Need to See a Doctor?

Once you notice your baby’s rashes are persistent, or if they have a fever– which can come after the rashes or a day before–your baby may have infections that need evaluation by a pediatrician.

Diaper Rash, Eczema, and Cradle Cap May Look Bad, But Don’t Panic

It can be alarming when your baby develops rashes that you are not sure about the cause of, and even more so if the baby’s scalp rashes are itchy and uncomfortable. The good news is that many baby rashes are common and can be easily treated  at home.

Suppose you are not comfortable with your baby’s pimples, or see other symptoms that come with your baby’s rashes. In this case call your doctor to help determine the rashes cause, and to offer the proper treatment.

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